
Hello, and welcome to my new blog! My name is Victoria Sweet, and I am the creator of Gingersweet Eats. I was born in America but I currently live in the beautiful Czech Republic with my family. I am a wife, mother, teacher, traveler, and, you guessed it, a lifelong lover of sweet foods.

My passion for gluten-free baking began in the summer of 2016. While we were preparing to go on a Mediterranean cruise, my husband received a rather unexpected medical diagnosis: celiac disease. My heart sank. So many delicious foods that we enjoyed together at home contained gluten: bread, bagels, muffins, cake, just to name a few. To make things worse, our summer cruise set sail from Venice, Italy! Imagine visiting the land of pizza, pasta, and tiramisu without being able to sample all the glorious, gluten-containing delicacies!

Luckily, when we arrived we found that Italy was actually a very celiac-friendly country. Most of the restaurants we visited were able to provide gluten-free options, and most of the servers were patient, understanding, and aware of the disease. Still, I must admit that gluten-free cannolis left something to be desired.

Since returning from our trip, we have eliminated gluten from our kitchen, and I have been on a mission to master a wide array of creative, interesting, and delicious gluten-free recipes. After years of experimenting, I can honestly say that I am immensely proud of some of my culinary creations. I decided to launch Gingersweet Eats as means of sharing my recipes and ideas with others.

As a self-taught baker, my goal is to make gluten-free baking enjoyable and accessible for everyone. My recipes are easy to follow and don’t require an excessive amount of time, money, or stress. And most importantly, they taste delicious.

I hope you enjoy Gingersweet Eats!